Configure a Custom Refund Limit

Use these steps to configure a custom per-sale refund limit, from $1 to $10,000. Note: By default, refunds are limited to $200 per sale; this topic provides steps to configure a smaller limit or larger limit.

  1. Open Patheon Portal.
  2. Select Configuration.

  1. Select Customization. The Customization panel opens.

  1. Select Sales Security. The Sales Security panel opens.

  1. Navigate to the Refunds section.
  2. In Override Default Limit*, select Yes. The Maximum Refund Total* field is active.

  1. In Maximum Refund Total*, enter the maximum value that can be issued for a refund in a single sale, from $1 to $10,000, for example, $400.

  1. Select Save. The custom per-sale refund limit is saved.