Configure a House Account Discount

Use these steps to create and configure a discount that can be applied to house accounts. House account discounts can be configured for specific items (for example, a specific wash) or product types (for example, a la carte products).

  1. Log In to Patheon Portal
  2. Select configuration
  3. Select Discounts. The discounts panel opens.
  4. Select House. The House discounts list opens.

  1. Select add discount. The add discount (1 conditions) panel opens.

  1. In Name*, enter the discount name, for example, House Discount.
  2. In Apply to*, select House Accounts. The house accounts discount type and conditions open.

  1. In Application Type*, Automatic is selected.
  2. In Discount/tax relationship*, select one: Match site setting (default), apply discount before tax, or apply discount after tax. 
  3. Navigate to the conditions section.
  4. Select Item(s). The Item(s) section opens.
  5. Select at least one item to which the discount will apply.
  6. Select Condition is met if ALL of the selected items are in the cart or Condition is met if ANY of the selected items are in the cart.
  7. Select continue. The add discount (2 Actions) panel opens.

  1. Navigate to the Actions section.
  2. In Value to Adjust*, select Entire Sale or Item(s).

  1. If Entire Sale is selected in Value to Adjust*, select Type of Discount*. If Fixed, enter the dollar amount in Discount Value (USD)* . If Percent, enter the percentage in Discount Value (%)*. In Type of Discount*, select discount type. In Discount Value*, enter discount value in USD or percentage.

  1. If Item(s) is selected, under Unit item(s), select the item(s) and then configure the Type of Discount*, and Discount Value.

  1. Select continue. The add discount (3 activation) panel opens.

  1. In Status, select Active
  2. Select save. The Discount Added dialog opens, prompting "Discount must be assigned manually to house accounts."
  3. Select assign to accounts. The dialog closes and the assign to house account(s) panel opens. 
  4. Select the house accounts to which the discount can be applied.
  5. Select save. The changes are saved, the panel closes, and the discounts panel opens.