Configure Additional Products for House Accounts

Use these steps to configure additional products that a house account member can include in a sale, as well as whether it can be tendered by the house account or must be tendered separate from the house account.

  1. Log In to Patheon Portal
  2. Select configuration
  3. Select Plans. The plan management panel opens. 
  4. Select House Accounts. The house accounts panel opens.

  1. Select the house account's name. The House Account Name panel opens.

  1. Navigate to the contract details section.
  2. Select Edit. The house details contract details panel opens.

  1. Navigate to the Additional Product Configuration section.
  2. In Additional product configuration, select Enabled. The products list opens.

  1. Configure each product as Member Paid, HA Paid, or Restricted.
  2. Select Member Paid if the house account member must pay for the product separate from the house account.
  3. Select HA Paid if the product can be tendered to the house account.
  4. Select Restricted if the product can't be purchased. Note: Restricted products are not displayed on sale terminals.
  5. Select save. The changes are saved and the house accounts panel opens.