Configure Automated Plan Retention Offer for EWA Users
Use these steps to configure retention offers that are automatically opened when a member starts to cancel their plan from the EWA customer app.
Create a Trigger
- Log In to Patheon Portal.
- Select Kiosks. The flows list panel opens.
- Select Promotion Flows. The promotion flows panel opens.
- Select Triggers. The triggers panel opens.
- Select create trigger panel opens. . The
- In Name, enter the trigger name, for example, Cancel Plan.
- In Type, select On Plan Discontinuation.
- In Audience, select Existing Customers.
- Under the conditions section, select Plans or Reloads on Plan.
- If Plans is selected, select the plan(s) to which the trigger applies. Note: Only TBAR plans are available to select.
- If Reloads on Plan is selected, enter the number of reload periods 1-99 a member must complete before the offer will trigger.
- In Status*, select Active.
- Select .
Configure a Promotion
- Log In to Patheon Portal.
- Select configuration.
- Select Promotions. The promotions panel opens.
- Select add promotion (1 general) panel opens. . The
- In Name*, enter the promotion name, for example, 50% discount on next reload.
- In Platform*, select EWA.
- In Message, enter the text to display to the customer, for example, Before you cancel your [plan name] plan, please consider staying to receive a discount of 50% on your next reload.
- In Trigger*, select Discontinue Plan.
- Select add promotion (2 actions) panel opens. . The
- In Discount name, select the discount, for example, 50% discount on next reload.
- Select add promotion (3 activation) panel opens. . The
- In Status, select Active.
- Select promotion detail panel opens with the details of the newly created promotion. . The