Configure Automated Plan Retention Offer for EWA Users

Use these steps to configure retention offers that are automatically opened when a member starts to cancel their plan from the EWA customer app.

Create a Trigger

  1. Log In to Patheon Portal.
  2. Select Kiosks. The flows list panel opens.
  3. Select Promotion Flows. The promotion flows panel opens.
  4. Select Triggers. The triggers panel opens.
  5. Select create trigger. The create trigger panel opens.
  6. In Name, enter the trigger name, for example, Cancel Plan.
  7. In Type, select On Plan Discontinuation.
  8. In Audience, select Existing Customers.
  9. Under the conditions section, select Plans or Reloads on Plan.
  10. If Plans is selected, select the plan(s) to which the trigger applies. Note: Only TBAR plans are available to select.
  11. If Reloads on Plan is selected, enter the number of reload periods 1-99 a member must complete before the offer will trigger.
  12. In Status*, select Active.
  13. Select save.

Configure a Promotion

  1. Log In to Patheon Portal.
  2. Select configuration.
  3. Select Promotions. The promotions panel opens.
  4. Select add promotion. The add promotion (1 general) panel opens.
  5. In Name*, enter the promotion name, for example, 50% discount on next reload.
  6. In Platform*, select EWA.
  7. In Message, enter the text to display to the customer, for example, Before you cancel your [plan name] plan, please consider staying to receive a discount of 50% on your next reload.
  8. In Trigger*, select Discontinue Plan.
  9. Select continue. The add promotion (2 actions) panel opens.
  10. In Discount name, select the discount, for example, 50% discount on next reload.
  11. Select continue. The add promotion (3 activation) panel opens.
  12. In Status, select Active.
  13. Select save. The promotion detail panel opens with the details of the newly created promotion.