Create a Complimentary Gift Card

Use these steps to create an open-priced complimentary physical gift card, which can be activated from Patheon Portal as a gift or to help address a customer service issue. Note that complimentary gift cards cannot be activated from cashier terminals, kiosk terminals, or the EWA customer app.

  1. Log In to Patheon Portal.
  2. Select configuration.
  3. Select Products. The products panel opens.
  4. Select Add Product. The Product Details panel opens.
  5. In Product Name*, enter the name of the gift card, for example, Complimentary Gift Card.
  6. In Product Type*, select Gift Card.
  7. Under Gift Card Type, select Complimentary. Note: Once the product is saved, this can't be edited.

  1. In Max Value*, enter the maximum amount a cashier can enter when activating this complimentary gift card. Note: 99999.99 is the maximum value that can be entered in this field. This can be edited after the product is saved.
  2. In Status*, select Active.
  3. Select SAVE.