Add a $50 Gift Card with a $45 Price

Use these steps to add and configure a $50 gift card product that sells for $45.

  1. Log in to Patheon Portal.
  2. Select Configuration.
  3. Select Products. The Products panel opens.
  4. Select Add Product. The Product Details panel opens.
  5. In Product Name*, enter $50 Gift Card.
  6. In Product Type*, select Gift Card.
  7. Navigate to the Pricing section.

  1. In Gift Card Type, select Fixed Price.
  2. In Default Value*, enter 50. This is the value that customer's receive when they purchase the gift card.
  3. In Max Value*, enter 50. This is the maximum value that the gift card can be reloaded.
  4. In Price*, enter 45. This is the price customer's pay to purchase the gift card.
  5. Select Save.