Change the RFID Reader Sensitivity

Use these steps to change a kiosk terminal RFID reader's sensitivity. The easiest way to perform this adjustment is to perform a walk-around test while holding a known, good tag, with the RFID Reader diagnostics panel open. This will allow you to determine the outer limits of the read zone.

The recommended "Sensitivity" setting is "3".

Sensitivity settings must be carefully adjusted to avoid reading tags from adjacent lanes, but still read tags quickly on a variety of cars with various windshield properties.

  1. Open the kiosk staff screen.
  2. Select Diagnostics from the kiosk management header. The Diagnostics panel opens.

  1. Select RFID Reader. The RFID Reader diagnostics panel opens.

  1. Enter a value, 0-10, in the Sensitivity field. Note: The recommended setting is 3.
  2. Test the read zone.
  3. If the read zone is too small, set Sensitivity to 4. Test the read zone.
  4. If the read zone is still too small, set Sensitivity to 5. Test the read zone.
  5. If the read zone is still too small, contact DRB before increasing the sensitivity further.
  6. Select the close () function in the top right corner. The RFID Reader  panel closes and the Diagnostics panel opens.