Edit a Product's Settings for a Group of Sites

Use these steps to edit a site-level product setting, such as a price, for one site and apply that new setting to all sites that belong to the same group(s) as the site. A change can only be applied to a group to which the current/selected site belongs. Site-level product settings that can be changed and applied by group include: Product Name*, tax codes, Price*, Profit Center*, images, and Status*. Note: Sites can select/de-select a site from a group when applying a change.

Note: An employee must belong to an employee role with the Configure all sites permission (Portal>Site & Groups) set to Edit. The Apply changes to other sites within <GroupName> function isn't displayed if the employee doesn't possess this permission.

  1. Log in to Patheon Portal.
  2. Select Configuration.

  1. Select Sites & Groups. The Sites panel opens.
  2. Select the site. The site panel opens.
  3. Select Products. The Products panel opens.
  4. Locate the product to edit.
  5. Select edit. The Product Details panel opens.
  6. Edit any of the following settings: Product Name*, tax codes, Price*, Profit Center*, images, and Status*.
  7. Select Apply changes to other sites within <GroupName>.

  1. Select Save. The Apply Changes panel opens. All groups to which the site belongs are displayed. Each group can be expanded to view the other sites that belong to the group.

  1. Select the group(s) (or specific sites within each group) to which the changes should be applied.
  2. Select Save. An Are you sure? dialog opens.

  1. Select Save Changes. The changes are saved, the dialog closes, an Applying changes dialog briefly opens, and then a Changes applied dialog opens. The dialog includes the number of sites to which the changes were applied.

  1. Select Close. The dialog closes, the Apply Changes panel closes, and the product details panel opens.