Edit a Vehicle's Saved Retracts

Use these steps to look up a customer and then edit (add or remove) the retracts assigned to their vehicle with the new Edit Retracts function. Important: This function is not available from a cashier terminal or Patheon Portal.

  1. Log in to the tunnel entrance application.

  1. Select Customers. The Customers panel opens.
  2. Locate the customer with the vehicle retracts that need to be edited.
  3. Select the customer’s name. The Customer Details panel opens.
  4. Navigate to the Vehicles section.
  5. Select Edit Retracts under the vehicle's picture. The Edit Retracts dialog opens, with a list of all retracts available, and each that is assigned to the selected vehicle.
  6. Add or remove retracts as necessary.
  7. Select Submit. The changes are saved and the dialog closes.