Replace a Vehicle's Retract

Use these steps to replace a retract assigned to a vehicle with a different retract from a tunnel entrance terminal.

Before Send Car

Use these steps to replace a retract assigned to a vehicle with a different retract before it's sent.

  1. Log in to the tunnel entrance application.
  2. Select the vehicle from the queue.

  1. Select the Retracts tab (the number of retracts assigned to the vehicle is displayed on the tab). Note: Up to 8 retracts are displayed on the tab. If the site has more than 8 retracts (up to 16), a Show All function is available.

  1. Select Show All. A Retracts dialog opens.

  1. Select the retract to remove. The retract is no longer selected.
  2. Select the new retract to assign to the vehicle. The new retract is selected.
  3. Select Submit. The Retracts dialog closes and the changes are saved.
  4. Select Send Car.

After Send Car

Use these steps to replace a retract assigned to a vehicle with a different retract after it's sent.

  1. After Send Car is selected, the Send Car function is unavailable until a CarAdvanced signal is received from the tunnel controller.
  2. An assigned retract can be removed, and a new retract assigned, while Send Car is unavailable.
  3. Select the assigned retract. The retract is removed.
  4. Select the new retract to assign. The retract is assigned.
  5. After the CarAdvanced signal is received, the vehicle is moved from the first queue position to "Last Sent" position, Send Car is available, and retracts can't be replaced for the sent vehicle.