Record a Cash Drawer End Balance

Use these steps to record a cash drawer's ending balance. Do this at each terminal with a cash drawer.

Record by Denomination Count

  1. Sign in to the cashier application.
  2. Select Cash Balance. The Cash Balance panel opens. Note that only the Record Cash Drop function and Record Ending Balance function are enabled.

  1. Select Record Ending Balance. The Edit Ending Balance panel opens.

  1. Select Denomination count. The Edit Ending Balance panel displays specific entry fields for Bills and Coins.
  2. For Bills, enter the quantity of each bill removed from the cash drawer: 1.00, 2.00, 5.00, 10.00, 20.00, and 50.00.

  1. For Coins, enter the quantity of each coin removed from the cash drawer: 0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00.
  2. Select Submit. An Are you sure? dialog opens, stating, "Ending balance for <Terminal Name>: $235.00.".

  1. Select Submit. The dialog closes, the Edit Ending Balance panel closes, and the Cash Balance panel opens.

  1. In the cash balance transaction list, when the Start Balance and End Balance amounts mirror what the system tracked, the Adjustment column displays --. If the ending balance recorded is less than the amount the system tracked, the difference appears in the Adjustment column as a negative value. If the ending balance recorded is greater than the amount the system tracked, the difference appears as a positive value.
  2. The cashier can no longer record sales at this cashier terminal until a starting cash balance is recorded for its cash drawer.

Record by Total Value

  1. Sign in to the cashier application.
  2. Select Cash Balance. The Cash Balance panel opens. Note that only the Record Cash Drop function and Record Ending Balance function are enabled.

  1. Select Record Ending Balance. The Edit Ending Balance panel opens.

  1. .Select Total value. The Edit Ending Balance panel displays a single Total (USD)* entry field.
  2. In Total (USD)*, enter the total value of cash (bills + coins) removed from the cash drawer, for example, 235.
  3. Select Submit. An Are you sure? dialog opens, stating, "Ending balance for <Terminal Name>: $235.00.".

  1. Select Submit. The dialog closes, the Edit Ending Balance panel closes, and the Cash Balance panel opens.

  1. In the cash balance transaction list, when the Start Balance and End Balance amounts mirror what the system tracked, the Adjustment column displays --. If the ending balance recorded is less than the amount the system tracked, the difference appears in the Adjustment column as a negative value. If the ending balance recorded is greater than the amount the system tracked, the difference appears as a positive value.
  2. The cashier can no longer record sales at this cashier terminal until a starting cash balance is recorded for its cash drawer.