Record a Cash Drawer Start Balance

Use these steps to record a cash drawer's starting balance. A cash drawer starting balance can be recorded by specifying the total cash value (e.g., $270) added to the drawer, or by specifying the quantity of each denomination (e.g., $10 x 20, $5 x 10, $10 x 10, $20 x 5) added to the drawer.

Note: A cashier terminal with a cash drawer can't be used until its starting balance is recorded. Any attempt to open the Sales panel before a starting balance is recorded opens a Navigation Restricted dialog stating, "Navigation to Sales is prohibited until a starting balance is recorded for this terminal." This restriction does not apply to cashier terminals that don't have a cash drawer.

Record by Denomination Count

  1. Log in to the cashier application.
  2. Select Cash Balance. The Cash Balance panel opens.

  1. Select Record Starting Balance. The Starting Balance panel opens.

  1. Select Denomination count. The Starting Balance panel displays specific entry fields for Bills and Coins.
  2. For Bills, enter the quantity of each bill added to the cash drawer: 1.00, 2.00, 5.00, 10.00, 20.00, and 50.00.

  1. For Coins, enter the quantity of each coin added to the cash drawer: 0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00.
  2. Select Submit. An Are you sure? dialog opens, stating, "Starting balance for <Terminal Name>: $100.00."

  1. Select Submit. The dialog closes, the Starting Balance panel closes, and the Cash Balance panel opens. Note: The Record Starting Balance function is now disabled. It can only be enabled again by recording an ending balance.

  1. A cashier can now navigate to the Sales panel and record sales.

Record by Total Value

  1. Log in to the cashier application.
  2. Select Cash Balance. The Cash Balance panel opens.

  1. Select Record Starting Balance. The Starting Balance panel opens.

  1. Select Total value. The Starting Balance panel displays a single Total (USD)* entry field.

  1. In Total (USD)*, enter the total value of cash (bills + coins) added to the cash drawer, for example, 100.

  1. Select Submit. An Are you sure? dialog opens, stating, "Starting balance for <Terminal Name>: $100.00."

  1. Select Submit. The dialog closes, the Starting Balance panel closes, and the Cash Balance panel opens. Note: The Record Starting Balance function is now disabled. It can only be enabled again by recording an ending balance.

  1. A cashier can now navigate to the Sales panel and record sales.