Add a New Customer

Use these steps to add a new customer at a cashier sales terminal.

First name, last name, and phone number are all that's required to add a customer.


Additional customer information, including vehicle(s) information, can optionally be recorded for each customer.

  1. Log in to the cashier application.
  2. Select Customers. The Customers panel opens.

  1. Select ADD NEW CUSTOMER. The CUSTOMER DETAILS panel opens.

  1. In First Name*, enter the customer's first name, 50 characters or less.
  2. In Last Name*, enter the customer's last name, 50 characters or less.
  3. In Phone 1*, enter the customer's phone number and select the type: Mobile, Work, or Home. Use ADD PHONE NUMBER to enter up to 3 phone numbers.
  4. Optionally, enter additional customer information.
  5. Select SAVE CUSTOMER. A New Customer Added dialog opens.

  1. Select VIEW CUSTOMER to close the dialog.