Tender a Sale to Mobile Payment

Use the following steps to tender a sale to a mobile payment, such as ApplePay or GooglePay.

Note: Recurring wash subscriptions can't be purchased/tendered by a mobile payment because mobile payments don't create the token required to support recurring payments. This is not unique to Patheon or its card processors. It is a universal, technical restriction that applies to all point-of-sale systems for subscription/recurring payment transactions.

  1. Log in to the cashier application.
  2. Select Sales. The Sales panel opens.

  1. Add at least one product to the cart.
  2. Select Credit. A Credit dialog briefly opens with Payment terminal has been activated.

  1. Direct the customer to place their mobile device near the payment terminal and follow its prompts.
  2. After the sale is tendered, a Credit dialog opens with Tendered: $#.## and a receipt prints.

  1. Hand the receipt to the customer.
  2. Select Close. The dialog closes.