Tender a Sale to Card on File

Use the following steps to tender a sale to a credit card that is saved to the customer's profile.

Customer Not Assigned to Sale

  1. Log in to the cashier application.
  2. Select Sales. The Sales panel opens.

  1. Add at least one product to the cart.
  2. Select Card On File. A Customer Look Up panel opens.
  3. Enter part or all of the customer's name, phone number, VIN, or license plate and select Enter. A list of search results is displayed.
  4. Select the customer name from the search results. A Choose Card panel opens.
  5. Select the payment card to which the customer wants to tender the sale.
  6. A Credit dialog opens with Tendered: $#.## and a receipt prints.
  7. Hand the receipt to the customer.
  8. Select Close. The dialog closes.

Customer Assigned to Sale

  1. Select Card On File. A Choose Card panel opens.
  2. Select the payment card to which the customer wants to tender the sale.
  3. A Credit dialog opens with Tendered: $#.## and a receipt prints.
  4. Hand the receipt to the customer.
  5. Select Close. The dialog closes.