Apply a Renewal Discount to a Member's Wash Plan from Patheon Portal

Use these steps to manually apply a renewal discount to an active member's wash subscription plan from Patheon Portal. This can be used to address a customer service issue. This type of discount can also be applied from a cashier terminal.

Note: Only one discount can be applied to an active member's wash plan at a time. A Remove Pending Discounts function is available to remove an existing discount, or remove an existing discount and then apply a new discount.

  1. Log in to Patheon Portal.
  2. Select Configuration.

  1. Select Customers. The Customers panel opens.

  1. Locate the customer that is to receive the discount to their wash subscription.
  2. Select the customer’s name. The Customer Details panel opens.
  3. Navigate to the Plans section.

  1. Select an Active plan.
  2. Select edit. The Plan Details panel opens.

  1. Navigate to the Plan Discounts section.

  1. Select Add Discount. The Configure Plan Discount dialog opens.

  1. In Discount*, select the $0 Renewal Discount. A Number of Discounted Reloads* parameter opens in the dialog.

  1. In Number of Discounted Reloads*, select the number of renewal periods to apply the discount, for example, 1. Note: A discount can be configured to apply to up to 12 renewals.
  2. Select Confirm. The dialog closes and the Plan Details panel opens. The Plan Discounts section now displays the pending discount. A Remove Pending Discounts function is also available to remove any active discounts currently applied to the plan.
  3. Note: The Plans section in the Customer Details panel is also updated with a $0 price for the plan's next reload.