Apply a Renewal Discount to a Member's Wash Plan from Cashier Terminal
Use these steps to manually apply a renewal discount to an active member's wash subscription plan from a cashier terminal. This can be used to address a customer service issue. This type of discount can also be applied from Patheon Portal. Only one discount can be applied to an active member's wash plan at a time. A function is available to remove an existing discount, or remove an existing discount and then apply a new discount.
Note: The Customer account access (POS > Customers) employee role permission controls the ability to apply or remove a plan discount at a cashier terminal.
- Log in to the cashier application.
- Select Customers. The Customers panel opens.
- Locate the customer that is to receive the discount to their wash subscription.
- Select the Customer Name for the customer for which you want to apply the discount. The Customer Details panel opens.
- Navigate to the Plans section.
- Select edit. The Plan Details panel opens.
- Navigate to the Plan Discounts section.
- Select Configure Plan Discount dialog opens. . The
- In Discount*, select the $0 Renewal Discount. A Number of Discounted Reloads* parameter opens in the dialog.
- In Number of Discounted Reloads*, select the number of renewal periods to apply the discount, for example, 1. Note: Up to 12 reloads can be selected for the discount.
- Select Plan Details panel opens. The Plan Discounts section now displays the pending discount. A function is also available to remove any active discounts currently applied to the plan. . The dialog closes and the
- Note: The Plans section in the Customer Details panel is also updated with a $0 price for the plan's next reload.