Configure a Discount for an Active Wash Plan

Use these steps to create and configure a discount that can be applied to an active wash subscription plan. Active wash plan discounts can be configured as a fixed value (for example, a $0 renewal discount) or multi-tiered values (for example, a 50% discount for the next renewal, followed by a 25% discount for the renewal after that, and then a 10% discount for the renewal after that).

Configure a Fixed $0 Renewal Discount

  1. Log in to Patheon Portal.
  2. Select Configuration.

  1. Select Discounts. The Discount panel opens.
  2. Select Add Discount. The Add Discount (1 Conditions) panel opens.
  3. In Name*, enter the discount name, for example, $0 Renewal Good.
  4. In Apply to*, select Customers.
  5. In Application Type*, select Manual.

  1. In Discount/tax relationship*, select one: Match site setting (default), apply discount before tax, or apply discount after tax. 
  2. Navigate to the Conditions section.
  3. Select Active Member
  4. In Qualifying plan(s)*, select the plan(s) to which the discount applies, for example, Unlimited Good.

  1. Select Continue. The Add Discount (2 Actions) panel opens.
  2. Navigate to the Actions section.

  1. Select Fixed Reload Discount.
  2. Navigate to the Next Reload(s) section.
  3. In Type of Discount*, select Set Price To. Note: This discount type is preferred because the discount value won't need to be changed if/when the wash plan price changes.
  4. In Discounted Price*, enter the post-discount price value, for this example, 0.
  5. Select Continue. The Add Discount (3 Activation) panel opens.

  1. In Status, select Active.
  2. Select Save. The Discount Added dialog opens, prompting "Discounts must be activated at sites to be redeemable."

  1. Select Activate at Sites. The dialog closes and the Sites (select sites where discount is to be active) panel opens.

  1. Select the sites.
  2. Select Save. The changes are saved, the panel closes, and the Discounts panel opens.
  3. The renewal discount can now be manually applied to an active member's plan.

Configure a Tiered 50%, 25%, and 10% Renewal Discount

  1. Log in to Patheon Portal.
  2. Select Configuration.
  3. Select Discounts. The Discount panel opens.
  4. Select Add Discount. The Add Discount (1 Conditions) panel opens.
  5. In Name*, enter the discount name, for example, 50-25-10 Rnwl Good.
  6. In Apply to*, select Customers.
  7. In Application Type*, select Manual.
  8. In Discount/tax relationship*, select one of the following: Match site setting (default), apply discount before tax, or apply discount after tax
  9. Navigate to the Conditions section.
  10. Select Active Member.
  11. In Qualifying plan(s)*, select Good Unlimited Plan.
  12. Select Continue. The Add Discount (2 Actions) panel opens.
  13. Navigate to the Actions section.
  14. Select Fixed reload discount. A Period 1 section opens.

  1. Navigate to the Period 1 section.
  2. Select Percent.
  3. In Discount value (%)*, enter 50.
  4. Select Add Period. A Period 2 section opens.
  5. Navigate to the Period 2 section.
  6. Select Percent.
  7. In Discount value (%)*, enter 25.

  1. Select Add Period. A Period 3 section opens.
  2. Navigate to the Period 3 section.
  3. Select Percent.
  4. In Discount value (%)*, enter 10.
  5. Select Continue. The Add Discount (3 Activation) panel opens.
  6. In Status, select Active.
  7. Select Save. The Discount Added dialog opens, prompting "Discounts must be activated at sites to be redeemable."
  8. Select Activate at Sites. The dialog closes and the Sites (select sites where discount is to be active) panel opens.
  9. Select the sites.
  10. Select Save. The changes are saved, the panel closes, and the Discounts panel opens.
  11. The renewal discount can now be manually applied to an active member's plan.