Issue a Refund

Use these steps to provide a customer a cash refund, a credit card refund (any credit card the customer provides, so long as it's brand-supported, e.g., Visa, Mastercard, Discover) or card-on-file refund. A site may provide a refund to a customer who is unsatisfied or didn't receive a service they purchased due to an equipment malfunction, or when a cashier incorrectly recorded a sale.

Note: Unlike a sale void, refunds aren't associated or tied to any other sale (e.g., a previous sale), and they can't be edited once they're recorded.

  1. Log in to the cashier application.
  2. Select Sales. The Sales panel opens.
  3. Select REFUND. The Refund dialog opens.

  1. In Reason, select an explanation for the refund: Customer Satisfaction, Operator Error, or Equipment Malfunction.
  2. Use the denomination quick-keys (1.00, 5.00, 10.00, 20.00, or 50.00) or numeric keypad to enter the refund amount. The tender keys are enabled.
  3. Select the tender to which the refund is being provided: CASH, Credit, or Card On File.
  4. If Cash is selected, the Refund entry dialog closes, a Refund dialog identifying the change due opens, the cash drawer opens, and a receipt prints. Provide the customer the change due and select CLOSE. The Refund dialog closes.

  1. If Credit is selected, the Refund entry dialog closes, and select CLOSE. The Refund dialog closes and a Credit dialog briefly opens with Payment terminal has been activated. Direct the customer to follow the payment terminal prompts. After the sale is tendered, a Credit dialog opens with the amount refunded to the payment card and a receipt prints. Hand the receipt to the customer and select Close. The dialog closes.
  2. If Card On File is selected, the Refund entry dialog closes and the Customer Look Up panel opens. Select the customer and select Next. The Choose Card panel opens. Select the customer's payment card to which the refund will be provided. Select Submit. A Credit dialog opens with the amount refunded to the payment card and a receipt prints. Hand the receipt to the customer and select CLOSE. The dialog closes.