Void a House Account Charge

Void a house account charge by editing the sale and then selecting all the products in it. The voided amount reduces the house account's current balance owed.

  1. Sign in to the cashier terminal.
  2. Select Sales History. The Sales History panel opens.
  3. Locate the house account sale to void.
  4. Select the Edit () function for the sale. The Sale ID panel opens.
  5. Use the Select All function to select all items in the sale.

  1. Select Void. The Void Item(s) dialog opens.

  1. Select a ReasonReason for the void if applicable.



    Customer Satisfaction

    Customer was unhappy.

    Operation Error

    Cashier mistakenly recorded the sale.

    Equipment Malfunction

    Customer didn't receive the product(s) or service(s).

  2. Select Void. The Void Item(s) dialog closes, the system voids the sale, and a void receipt prints.