Patheon R36 Release Notes

Patheon release 36 includes the following feature enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Expanded smart widget styling capabilities.
  • Control over tunnel entrance terminal retract visibility and access.
  • Added wash subscription management from the Patheon Portal application.
  • General bug fixes






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Availability Date




POS - Kiosk

The Widget Style Details panel (Patheon Portal>Configuration>Kiosks>Widget Styles>Add Style or edit existing style) now includes enhanced Smart Widget configuration and styling settings

  • The Widget Style Details panel now includes a Reuse Existing Widget Style section that provides the ability to: use the same widget style for multiple products and reuse configuration of previously composed styles during the creation of a new one.
  • The Widget Style Details panel now includes a Background section that provides the ability to: upload images and GIFs to the media library for reuse and choose images from the media library.
  • The Widget Style Details panel now includes a Font Style section, Title section, and Price section, that provide the ability to: upload custom fonts; set desired font for any text on the widget; adjust text color, positioning, size, and style; choose price format (basic price without taxes or full price with taxes); and choose to display product name.

POS - Tunnel Entrance

Tunnel entrance terminal configuration is enhanced to provide sites more control over retracts display

  • If nine or more retracts are configured, a Retracts Visibility section is available on the Tunnel Entrance Terminal site hardware panel, which includes the ability to select the seven most frequently used retracts to display on the Wash Queue panel of the tunnel entrance terminal.

Wash Subscriptions

Wash plan subscription management now supports plan sales and terminations from the Patheon Portal application