Patheon R43 Release Notes

Patheon release 43 includes the following enhancements:

  • Patheon now supports the ability to grandfather wash plan prices when migrating from a third-party point-of-sale system. Sites can use this so existing customers with individual or multi-vehicle plans continue to be charged the same price in Patheon after migrating. Note: Sites can alternatively choose to use the prices configured for the plans in Patheon.
  • The employee security role configuration in Patheon Portal now includes the ability to configure wash queue permissions for employee security roles. Sites can use this to better control and secure staff permissions.
  • The Patheon Portal Products panel now retains any selected filters and search results during a user's session. Sites can use this to increase efficiency by reducing the amount of time back office staff spend navigating and managing products in Patheon Portal. A Reset View function is available to restore the products list to its default state.
  • The cashier point-of-sale application now displays the local, current system date, time, and time zone. Cashiers can use this to quickly, and easily, view the current date and time during transactions and operations.
  • The kiosk workflow screen simulator now displays Smart Widgets, with the correlating images and overrides for a selected site. Sites can use this to better visualize how kiosk screens will be presented to customers for a specific site.
  • General bug fixes.






Release Type





Release updates are deployed on a rolling schedule, first to an organization's cloud configuration, followed by each site's local configuration, based on time zone.

Eastern Time + Mountain Time

Availability Type







Central Time + Pacific Time

Availability Type







Data Migration

Prices from third-party plan migrations can now be grandfathered in to Patheon

  • Grandfathering can now be selected during third-party migrations so that existing customers with individual or multi-vehicle plans continue to be charged the same price. If grandfathering is not selected during the migration, customer renewals will be charged the rate that is configured in Patheon.


The employee security role settings now include wash queue permissions

Patheon Portal

The Products panel now retains the selected filters and search preferences during a user's session

  • This feature increases efficiency by reducing the amount of time back office staff spend navigating and managing products in Patheon Portal. It also includes a Reset View function to restore the products list to its default state.

POS - Cashier

The current date and time now displays on the POS terminal

POS - Kiosk

The kiosk workflow screen simulator now displays Smart Widgets