Patheon R40 Release Notes

Patheon release 40 includes the following enhancements:

  • Employee role assignment for an on-site, administrator-level employee is now simpler, requiring only a single security role rather than the three security roles that must be assigned to provide the same level of permissions in previous releases. Specifically, the Nonrestricted Site Manager employee role is renamed Patheon Administrator, and its permissions are expanded to now include all permissions relevant to Patheon Portal, cashier terminals, tunnel entrance terminals, and kiosk terminals.
  • Employee role levels are renamed to provide more context regarding each's hierarchy.
  • The cashier terminal Card on File tender is now available for sales that don't have an assigned customer. When selected, the system opens a customer search function so the customer can be assigned to the sale and their payment card on file can be used to tender it.
  • Existing prepaid products that have been sold to consumers are no longer restricted from having their sale price changed. In previous releases, once a prepaid product is sold to a customer, the product's price is restricted from being changed.
  • The Account Report and Device Cash Report can now be generated by site group(s).
  • Daily wash limits for wash subscription plans are now tracked and enforced by local time, rather than UTC time.
  • Daily wash limits for multi-vehicle wash subscription plans are now tracked and enforced per vehicle.
  • Daily wash limit settings for an active wash subscription plan can now be edited.
  • General bug fixes.






Release Type





Release updates are deployed on a rolling schedule, first to an organization's cloud configuration, followed by each site's local configuration.

Availability Type








The "Nonrestricted Site Manager" employee role is renamed "Patheon Administrator" and its permissions are expanded to include common cashier terminal, tunnel entrance terminal, and kiosk terminal functions

Employee role levels are renamed to provide context regarding each's hierarchy


The Card on File tender function at a cashier terminal is now available for sales that don't have an assigned customer


Prepaid products can now have their price edited after they're sold

  • Sites can now edit a prepaid product's price after the first instance of the product is sold to a customer. Price edits only affect new instances of the product that are sold after the price edit. In previous releases, once a prepaid product is sold to a customer, the product's price is restricted from being changed.


The Device Cash Report now supports site group filtering

  • Sites can now generate the Device Cash Report by site group, using a SITE GROUPS parameter. All site groups, or multiple select site groups, may be selected. Note: Only one site may be selected in the SITES parameter, and the TERMINAL parameter is dependent on a site being selected in the SITE parameter. Only one terminal may be selected in the TERMINAL parameter.

The Account Report now supports site group filtering

  • Sites can now generate the Account Report by site group, using a SITE GROUP parameter. All site groups, or multiple select site groups, may be selected. Note: Only one site may be selected in the SITE parameter, which is dependent on the SITE GROUP parameter (only sites that belong to a selected site group can be selected).

Wash Subscriptions

Daily wash limits for multi-vehicle plans are now tracked, and enforced, on a per vehicle basis

  • The system now tracks and enforces daily wash limits for multi-vehicle plans on a per vehicle basis. In previous releases, daily wash limits are tracked and enforced on a per plan basis.

Daily wash limits are now tracked by local time

  • The system now tracks and enforces daily wash limits by local time, rather than UTC time. In previous releases, daily wash limits are tracked and enforced by UTC time.

Daily wash limits for plans with active customers can now be edited

  • The system now allows an active (has already been sold to customers) plan's wash limit settings to be changed. Specifically, the Set Period Wash Limit*, Period Wash Limit*Enable Rollover Usage*, Maximum Rollover Usages*Set Daily Wash Limit*, and Daily Wash Limit (per vehicle)* fields in the plan details panel are now editable.