Patheon R41 Release Notes

Patheon release 41 includes the following enhancements:

  • The Patheon Portal Customers panel and Web Users panel now include the ability to search for a customer by the last 4 digits of their saved payment card. Use this new method, or any of the existing methods, to quickly look up a customer in Patheon Portal to review their transaction history, or verify or update their information.
  • The Patheon Portal Add Role panel and Edit Role panel now group an employee role's permissions by application - POS and Portal - and then by sub-groups within each of those. Use this more intuitive permissions organization to quickly and confidently assign or edit a custom employee role's permissions.
  • Patheon now supports the ability to perform a refund, up to $200, to a customer's card on file from Patheon Portal, without a payment card reader. Use this function to issue a customer refund from a site's back office, or even off-site location.
  • The cashier terminal's Hardware panel now includes the ability to edit the Sensitivity* setting and Power - High* setting for an RFID reader that is connected to it. The settings function includes the ability to see the data the RFID reader reads, as well as the reader's current firmware information. Site staff can use this functionality to more quickly adjust and test reader settings from the reader's physical location. This feature is available for any cashier terminal with a connected RFID reader, such as a members lane.
  • The Patheon Portal Site Hardware panel now automatically displays the Semi-attended mode setting for a Lane POS type cashier terminal if RFID or LPR is enabled for that terminal.
  • Customers can now purchase limited TBAR plans on the EWA.
  • Sites can now edit a site-level product setting, such as a price, for one site and apply that new setting to all sites that belong to a group.
  • General bug fixes.






Release Type





Release updates are deployed on a rolling schedule, first to an organization's cloud configuration, followed by each site's local configuration.

Availability Type








The Patheon Portal Customers panel and Web Users panel now include the ability to search for a customer by the last 4 digits of their saved payment card


The Patheon Portal employee role panels - Add Role panel and Edit Role panel - now group permissions by POS and Portal


Customer refunds, up to $200 per transaction, can now be performed to a customer's card on file from Patheon Portal without a payment card reader

POS - Customer App

Customers can now purchase limited TBAR plans on the EWA

  • Wash customers can purchase limited TBAR plans from the EWA. In previous releases, only unlimited TBAR plans can be purchased from the EWA. In this release, the EWA Plans tab on the Buy page lists both limited TBAR plans and unlimited TBAR plans. As a result, EWA customers now have the same plan purchase options that are available to on-site customers.

POS - Members Lane

Semi-attended cashier terminal configuration is enhanced to reduce confusion with attended cashier terminal configuration

  • The Patheon Portal Add Hardware panel now automatically makes the SAL switch available when creating a cashier terminal with either an RFID reader or License Plate reader enabled. This enhancement more clearly defines the differences between a cashier terminal in a semi-attended lane and a full-attended cashier terminal.


Site-level configuration changes to a product can now be applied to all sites that belong to the same site group(s)

RFID Vehicle ID

Sites can now change and test an RFID reader's settings from the Hardware panel of the cashier terminal to which it is connected, for example, at a member's lane (semi-attended)