Patheon R44 Release Notes

Patheon release 44 includes the following enhancements:

  • The employee security role configuration in Patheon Portal now includes the ability to restrict or permit each of the following POS functions: Charge card on file, Issue refund, Issue rewash, Open register, Past day sale modify, and Sales access.
  • The employee security role configuration in Patheon Portal now includes the ability to restrict or permit access to, and use of, all the functions on the cashier terminal application's Hardware panel.
  • The EWA customer app now includes guest mode access. Customers are no longer required to sign in to view products, plans, or services available for purchase; customers must still sign in to make a purchase.
  • The tunnel entrance terminal Wash Queue panel's visual wash queue now includes the ability to program a temporary retract.
  • The tunnel entrance terminal Wash Queue panel's visual wash queue now supports paginated queue scrolling, so it can be scrolled for 6 vehicles at a time, rather than 1 vehicle at a time.
  • The RFID vehicle identification feature now provides the ability to enable, configure, and disable the Closer Look feature from kiosk terminals and cashier terminals.
  • A new wash plan type, Open Expiration, is now available. It is a $0.00 time-based plan for a wash that is designed to be sold from Patheon Portal as a customer service tool.
  • When performing site level override price changes for a time-based automatic recharge (TBAR) plan (e.g., monthly unlimited), sites are now prompted to choose whether to grandfather (keep) existing customers at the existing price, or update those customers to the new price.
  • General bug fixes.






Release Type





Release updates are deployed on a rolling schedule, first to an organization's cloud configuration, followed by each site's local configuration, based on time zone.

Eastern Time + Mountain Time

Availability Type







Central Time + Pacific Time

Availability Type








The employee security role settings now include sales permissions

The employee security role settings now include hardware permissions

POS - Customer App

The EWA customer app no longer requires customers to sign in to view products

  • Customers are no longer required to sign in to the EWA customer app to access it. They can now view products, plans, and services available for purchase without signing in. Customers must still sign in to make a purchase.

POS - Tunnel Entrance

The tunnel entrance terminal now includes the ability to program a temporary retract for a vehicle's current wash

The tunnel entrance terminal's wash queue navigation functions are now paginated

RFID Vehicle ID

The RFID vehicle identification feature now provides the ability to enable, configure, and disable the Closer Look feature from kiosk terminals and cashier terminals

  • The RFID vehicle identification Closer Look feature, which can be used to troubleshoot and resolve cross-lane read issues, is now available from the Hardware panel on cashier terminals with an RFID reader (such as a members lane) and the RFID Reader maintenance panel on kiosk terminals with an RFID reader. Enabling it requires 2 reads of a vehicle's RFID tag before it is identified. First, it'll read at the Power (high) level, then a second time at the Closer Look (low) level. Identifying the ideal combination of settings will likely require testing at the specific site. The function is also available at kiosk terminals from the RFID Reader panel in maintenance mode.

Wash Subscriptions

A new $0 wash plan type is now available as a customer service tool

Wash plan configuration is enhanced to provide site-level grandfathering

  • When performing site level override price changes for a time-based automatic recharge (TBAR) plan (e.g., monthly unlimited), sites can now choose whether to grandfather (keep) existing customers at the existing price, or update those customers to the new price.