Patheon R45 Release Notes

Patheon release 45 includes the following enhancements:

  • Sites can now, optionally, provide active TBAR wash plan members the ability to upgrade or downgrade their plan from the EWA.
  • Sites can now apply a discount to an active wash plan subscription. Sites can use this to resolve a customer service issue by issuing a $0 renewal period, for example.
  • The tunnel entrance terminal now supports the ability to edit a vehicle's saved retracts. Important: This function is not available from a cashier terminal or Patheon Portal.
  • The ability to add or remove a vehicle from an existing house account in Patheon Portal is enhanced to make it simpler and quicker.
  • The tunnel entrance terminal's Wash Queue panel now includes an Update Vehicle Picture function that assigns the current vehicle picture as the saved vehicle picture. When the Update Vehicle Picture function is used, the function is replaced with a Rollback function that will revert the vehicle picture to its previous picture (including no picture if that's what it was previously set to).
  • Employee permissions for customer management at point of sale terminals is enhanced to now include: Customer account access, Discontinue plans, Reactivate plans, Suspend plans, and Terminate plans. Important: Sites should review custom employee user roles to verify point-of-sale staff have all necessary permissions after this update.
  • Employee permissions for cash balance management at point of sale terminals is enhanced to now include: Cash balance access. Important: Sites should review custom employee user roles to verify point-of-sale staff have all necessary permissions after this update.
  • The Bank Deposits report now includes the ability to include totals.
  • General bug fixes.






Release Type





Release updates are deployed on a rolling schedule, first to an organization's cloud configuration, followed by each site's local configuration, based on time zone.

Eastern Time + Mountain Time

Availability Type






Central Time + Pacific Time

Availability Type








Employee permissions for customer management at point of sale terminals is enhanced

  • Point-of-sale customer permissions now include: Customer account access (None, View, Edit), Discountinue plans (None, Edit), Reactivate plans (None, Edit), Suspend plans (None, Edit), and Terminate plans (None, Edit).

Employee permissions for cash balance management at point of sale terminals is enhanced

  • Employee permissions for cash balance management at point of sale terminals is enhanced to now include: Cash balance access (None, Edit). This permission controls an employee role's ability to access (and record cash balance amounts) the Cash Balance panel at a point of sale terminal.

House Accounts

The ability to add or remove a vehicle from an existing house account in Patheon Portal is enhanced

POS - Tunnel Entrance

The tunnel entrance terminal now supports the ability to edit a vehicle's saved retracts

The tunnel entrance terminal's Wash Queue panel now includes an Update Vehicle Picture function that assigns the current vehicle picture as the saved vehicle picture


The Bank Deposits report now includes the ability to include totals

Wash Subscriptions

Wash plan members can now upgrade or downgrade Time-Based Automatics Reload (TBAR) plans from the EWA

  • Sites can enable or disable (in Patheon Portal) the ability of customers to upgrade/downgrade their TBAR wash plans on the EWA. When enabled, a Change Plan option is added to the EWA menu; when disabled, the option is removed from the menu.
  • When downgrading, the customer is issued a prorated refund; when upgrading, the customer is immediately charged the difference.

Sites can now create and provide a manually-applied discount to an existing wash plan member's subscription renewal(s) to help resolve customer service issues